Prabodh Chandra Bagchi

Prabodh Chandra Bagchi
প্রবোধচন্দ্র বাগচী
Born 18 November 1898(1898-11-18)
Jessore, Bengal, British India
Died 19 January 1956(1956-01-19) (aged 57)
Nationality Indian
Ethnicity Bengali Hindu
Occupation Sinologist
Religion Hinduism

Prabodh Chandra Bagchi (Bengali: প্রবোধচন্দ্র বাগচী) (18 November 1898 – 19 January 1956) was one of the most notable Sino - Indologists of the 20th century. He was the first Upacharya of Visva-Bharati University from outside the Tagore family.


Early life

He was born in present Bangladesh in Jessore District. He did his schooling in Srikole (Hat Srikol), Khulna District in present Bangaladesh. In 1914, appeared for the Matriculation examination. He completed his graduation from Krishnanagar Government College in 1918. He stood first in his college. He joined Calcutta University for his post-graduation studies in Ancient History and Culture, obtaining a First Class (Master of Arts)and standing first in the University. He immediately joined the University as a Lecturer after being called by Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee who told him to " Join from tomorrow" (In Bengali, as noted in his personal diary)

Academic career

He studied Chinese and French in Calcutta University. He met Professor Sylvain Lévi and studied under his guidance. He went to Nepal with Professor Levy in 1921 to study some old manuscripts. He then went to Indochina and Japan with Professor Levy in 1922. In 1922, he went to Paris to do his Doctorate studies in Sorbonne University at Paris, France. He was appointed Vice - Chancellor (Upacharya) of Visva Bharati University in 1954.

Personal life

He married Panna Rani in 1921. They had a son (Pratip) and five daughters (Chitra, Krishna,_, Ratna, Indrani).


He published a large number of books in English, French and Bengali. He contributed to academic and other journals. His best known work that is still acclaimed as a classical work even today is India and China,(ISBN 8121511976 / ISBN 9788121511971), which was first published in 1944. A second edition was brought out in 1950. This book was revised by Haraprasad Ray and published in the fifth edition in 2008.Publisher's page

His other major works were:

For more details see Bibliography below:

Select Bibliography of Prabodh Chandra Bagchi


Books in French

1. Le Canon Bouddhique en Chine les traducteurs et les traductions, Tome 1, pp. lii, 436 ; Tome II pp. vi 437-742, 1927 : Paris, Librarie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner 1938, Sino-Indica Publications de I'universite de Calcutta

2. Deux Lexiques Sanskrit Chinois Fan Yu Tsa Ming De Li Yen et Fan Yu Ts'ien Tsen Wen De Yi-Tsing : Tome I, pp. iv, 336 : Tome 11, pp. viii, 337-590, 1929, Paris, Librarie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner 1937, Sino-Indica Publications de I'universite de Calcutta

Books in English

3. Pre-Aryan and Pre-Dravidian In India 1929, Calcutta University 1968, Reprinted by Calcutta University

4. Kaula-Jyana-Nirnaya and some Minor Texts of the School of Matsyendranath Calcutta Sanskrit Series, 1934, pp. viii, 92-148, Metropolitan Printing and Publishing House: Calcutta

5. Studies In The Tantras Part-I, 1939 : Calcutta University

6. India and China: a thousand years of cultural relations. Published in Greater India Society, Bulletin 2, Calcutta in 1927 First Edition 1944, China Press, Calcutta Second Edition 1950, Hind Kitab, Bombay

Third Edition 1951, Philosophical Library, New York

Fourth Edition 1981, Saraswat Library, Calcutta

Fifth Edition 2008, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt Ltd, New Delhi. ISBN 978-81-215-1197-1.

7. India and Central Asia: 1955, National Council of Education, Jadavpur, Calcutta

8. Caryagiti Kosa : P. C. Bagchi & Shanti Bhiksu Sastri 1956, Visva Bharati

9. She-Kia-Fang-Che 1959, Visva Bharati

10. Indological Studies-A collected works of Dr. P. C. Bagchi, vol. I, 1982, Visva Bharati

11. The Second City of the Empire. Editor

Books in Bengali

Visva Bharati Press

12. Bouddha Dharma O Sahitya

13. Bharat O Indo Chin

14. Bharat O Chin

15. Bharat O Madhya Asia

Bangla Academy

16. Probondho Shamgraho

Articles in English

On Jainism

1. Primitive Elements of Jainism Journal of the Department of Letters, vol. V, pp. 1–16, 1921

2. On the Purvas Journal of the Department of Letters, vol. XIV, pp. 1–7, 1927

3. The Historical Beginnings of Jainism Sir Asutosh Mookerjee Silver Jubilee vol. Ill, Part Ill, Orientalia, 1927 On Buddhism and Related Studies

Buddhism and Buddhistic Studies

4. Decline of Buddhism in India and its Causes Sir Asutosh Mookerjee Silver Jubilee vol. Ill, Part Ill, 1927, pp. 405– 421, Reprinted in Indological Studies,Visva Bharati, 1982

5. Some Early Buddhist Missionaries of Persia in China The Calcutta Review, July 1927, Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

6. Buddhist Studies in Japan and the Taisho Edition of the Chinese Tripitaka, New Asia, 1939

7. The Eight Great Caityas and Their Cult The Indian Historical Quarterly, 1941, Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

8. Twelve Years of the Wandering Life of Buddha Journal of the Greater India Society, vol. X, Jan. 1943, Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

9. The Beginnings of Buddhism in China Sino-Indian Studies, vol. I, Part I, act. 1944, Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

10. Place of Buddhism in Indian Life Explanation of the Worldly Life, vol. I, No. 1, 1947, Peking Publication

11. Buddhism and Ancient Indian Thought Explanation of the Worldly Life, vol. I, No. 2, 1947–48, Peking P blica 'on

12. Buddhism-First Popular Religion Explanation of the Worldly Life, vol. I, No. 3, 1947–48, Peking Publication

13. Hinayana and Mahayana Explanation of the Worldly Life, vol. I, No. 4, 1947–48, Peking Publication

14. Buddhism and Medieval Indian Tantrism Explanation of the Worldly Life, vol. I, No. 5, 1947–48, Peking Publication

15. Discourses on Buddhism Visva Bharati Quarterly, vol. XIV, No. IV, 1948, Reprinted in p. C. Bagchi Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

16. Buddhist Culture Mahabodhi Society of India, Diamond Jubilee Souvenir, 1952

17. On the Original Buddhism, its Canon and Language Sino-Indian Studies, vol. 11, Parts 3 & 4, Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

18. Buddhist India: A Buddhist Monk of Nalanda Among the Western Turks, The Indo-Asian Culture, vol. 11, 1953

19. Expansion of Buddhism in India and Northern Countries: 2500 years of Buddhism, Ed., P. V. Bapat, New Delhi, 1956

20. Buddhism: Story of Its Expansion Buddha Jayanti Souvenir, 1962, New Delhi. On Buddhistic Texts and Related Studies

21. A Note on the Pratitya Samutpada Sutra Epigraphia Indica, vol. XXI, No. 33, 1931, Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

22. Bodhicitta Vivarana of Nagarjuna The Indian Historical Quarterly, 1931

23. The Rashtrapala Nataka of Asvaghosa Sardesai Commemoration volume, pp. 261–63, 1938

24. Vajragarbhatantrarajasutra=A New Work of King Indrabodhi, Sino¬Indian Studies, vol. I, Part I, Oct. 1944, Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

25. A Note on Avadanasataka and its Chinese Translation Visva Bharati Annals, vol. I, 1945, Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

26. The Story of Dhanika, the Potter's son as told in different Vinayas B. C. Law, vol. Part I, 1945, Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

27. Bodhisattva Sila of Subhakarasimha Sino-Indian Studies, vol. I, Part 3, April 1945, Reprinted in Indologfcal Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

28. Chang so che lu Jneya Prakasa sastra Sino-Indian Studies, vol. 11, Parts 3 & 4

On Religion

29. Religion of Bengal History of Bengal, vol. I, Dacca University, 1943

30. A Chapter on Religion The Age of the Nandas and Mauryas, Ed., N. K. Sastri, Banaras, 1952 On Tantras

31. Evolution of the Tantras The Cultural Heritage of India, vol. IV, 1956

On Mysticism

32. The Chinese Mysticism The Calcutta Review, 1933, pp. 66–69, Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

33. Some Aspects of Buddhist Mysticism of Bengal The Cultural Heritage of India, vol. I, 1937, Sri Ramakrishna Centenary Memorial Edition, Calcutta, Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

34. Some Aspects of Buddhist Mysticism in the Caryapadas The Calcutta Oriental Journal, vol. I, 1934

35. Early Medieval Mysticism and Kabir Visva Bharati Quarterly, Part I, 1945, pp. 35–43

36. Castes on Indian Mystics Visva Bharati Quarterly, 1946 Aug.-Oct., pp. 138–143

37. The Cult of Buddhist Siddhacaryas, The Cultural Heritage of India, vol. IV, 1956. Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

On Dohas

38. Dohakosa with Notes and Translations Journal of the Department of Letters, vol. XXVIII, C. U. 1935, pp. vii,1-180

39. Dohakosa (Apabhrarnsa Texts of the Sahajayana School), Part I, Texts and Commentaries Calcutta Sanskrit Series, Metropolitan Printing and Publishing House, Calcutta, 1938, pp. VIII + 167

40. Materials for a Critical Edition of the Old Bengali Caryapadas (A Comparative Study of the Text and the Tibetan Translation), Part I, The Journal of the Department of Letters, vol. XXX, C. U. 1938, pp. X, 156

On Historical Geography

41. Ki-Pin and Kashmir Sino-Indian Studies, vol. 11, Part I Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

42. The Island of Kunlun and Chandradvipa Bharat Kaumudi presented to R. K. Mukherjee, Lucknow, 1945

43. Ancient Chinese Names oflndia Monumenta Serica, Catholic University, Peking, vol. XIII, 1948

44. The Geographical Catalogue of the Yakshas in the Maharnayurl Sino-Indian Studies, vol. Ill, Part 1 and 2 Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

On Ancient Medicine

45. A Fragment of Kasyapa Samhita in Chinese Indian Culture, vol. IX, No. 1. Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

46. New Materials for the Study of Kumaratantra of Ravana, Indian Culture, vol. VII, No. 3, Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

On Sino-Indian Studies

47. Introduction to India and China The Modern Knowledge, Peking vot. I, No. 3, 1947

48. Sino-Indian Spheres of Influences Hindusthan- Standard, Puja Annual, pp. 77–79, 1944

49. Some Letters of Hiuen Tsang and His Indian Friends Journal of the U. P. Historical Society, vol. XVII, Parts I, 11, 1945. Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

50. The Making of Modern China Liberty, Nov. 1930

51. Indian Influence on Chinese Thought History of Philosophy: Eastern and Western, vot. I, 1952 Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

52. Political Relations Between Bengal and China in the Pathan Period, Visva Bharati Annals, I, 1945, Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

53. Sino-Indian Relations: The Period of the United Empire I, 618-1100 AD. Sino-Indian Studies, vol. I, Part 11, Jan. 1945

54. Sino-Indian Relations: The Period of the United Empire 11 Sino-!ndian Studies, vol. I, pp. 65–84, Part IV

55. New Lights on the Chinese Inscriptions of Bodhgaya Sino-Indian Studies, vol. I, Part 11, pp. 111–114 Jan., 1945 (Jointly with Chou Ta Fu)

56. Chinese Coins From Tanjore, Si no-Indian Studies, vol. I, Part I, Oct. 1944, Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

57. A Report on a New Hoard of Chinese Coins Sino-Indian Studies, vol. IV, Parts Ill, IV, Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

On Central Asian Studies

58. Indian Art and Civilization in Central Asia Four Arts Annual, 1934

59. On the Role of the Central Asian Nomads in the History of India (Presidential Address: Indian History Congress, Sec. I, Ancient India Up to 711 A D., 1943, Aligarh) Journal of the Greater India Society, vol. X, No. 2, July, 1943

60. Khotan as the Cultural Outpost of India Hindusthan Standard, Puja Annual, 1945

61. Indian Culture in Central Asia Journal of the Bihar Research Society, vol. XXXII, Part I, pp. 1–12, 1946 Ed. R. C. Majumdar & Altekar

62. Krimisa and Demetrius Indian Historical Quarterly, vol. XXII, June, 1946 Reprinted in Indological Studies, Visva Bharati, 1982

63. Cultural Relations with Eastern Turkestan and China A New History of Indian People, Ed. R. C. Majumdar and A. S. Altekar, vol. VI, Lahore, 1946

64. Indian Culture in Central Asia, Indo-Asian Culture, 1952–53

65. Cultural and Colonial Expansion: Central Asia, China and the Far East A Comprehensive History of India, vol. 11., Ed. Nilakantha K. A Sastri Bombay, 1957

On Linguistics

66. Sulika, Culika and Culika-Paisaci Journal of the Department of Letters, vol. XXI, pp. 1–10, 1931, C.U.

67. The Sandhabhasa and Sandhavacana The Indian Historical Quarterly, 1930

68. Calcutta Scholarship and a Bombay Critic : (Studies on Indo¬European Languages and Philology) Liberty, 1931 Se pt. 13

69. Some Linguistic Notes Indian Historical Quarterly, March, vol. IX, No. 1, 1933

70. Kuchean or Western Arsi Indian Historical Quarterly, Sept. vol. X, pp. 585–598, 1934

71. A Note on the Language of the Buddhist Dohas Calcutta Oriental Journal, vol. I, pp. 249–252, 1934

72. The Sibilants in the Buddhist Dohas Indian Linguistics, vol. V, 1935 : Grierson Commemoration vol.

73. Ba'urah or Baruza? The Indian Historical Quarterly, vol. XIX, No. 1., pp. 266–69, March 1943

On Nepal and Ancient Art

74. Modern Nepal Liberty, Sept. 1929

75. On the Antiquity of the name Kasthamandapa Indian Historical Quarterly, 1931

76. A Painted Nepalese Banner Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art, 1933

77. Some Brahmanical Miniatures from Nepal Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art, vol. Ill, 1940

78. Brahmayamala Tantra Chapter IV A New Text on Pratimalaksmana Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art, vol. Ill, pp. 1–22,1935

79. A Nepalese Pata of Sudhana Kurnara Vardana Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art, vol. VIII, 1940

80. On the Canons of Image Making of Pingalamatra, chapter IV, Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art, Eds. Abanindranath Tagore and Stella Kramrisch pp. 9–31, vol. XI, 1943


81. The Legend of Buddhaghosa by Louis Finot Journal of the Department of Letters, vol. XI, 1924

82. Abel Bergaigne and his Interpretation of the Vedas : The Calcutta Review, 1931 , Nov.-Dec., pp. 187–197

83. The Seventh All India Oriental Conference The Indian Historical Quarterly, 9 (4) : 995-1003, 1933

84. Sangharaksha, the Chaplain of Kanishka K. B. Pathak Commemoration vol., Poona, 1934

85. Victor Jacquemont in India The Calcutta Review, 1935, July, pp. 51–60

86. An Introduction to Adhyatma Ramayana, Hamayana Adhyatrna Harnayanarn : Calcutta Sanskrit Series, Metropolitan Printing and Publishing House, No. XI, 1935, pp. 1–78.

87. The Mahapratisara and other Sanskrit Texts Kashmir Sanskrit Series

88. Sylvain Levi : Obituary Notices The Indian Historical Quarterly, vol. XII, 1936 March, pp. 177–186

89. The Second City of the Empire: Edited by P. C. Bagchi, Calcutta Indian Science Congress Association : 25th session, Calcutta, published by the Local Secretaries, Reception Committee, 1938

90. Calcutta Past and Present Calcutta University Press 1939 : Edited by P. C. Bagchi, published by the Honorary Local Secretaries, Reception Committee : 3rd Session, Indian History Congress

91. A New Source of the Political History of Kamarupa Indian Historical Quarterly, 18, pp. 1–30, 1942

92. Foreword to Kamasutra of Vatsayana (Translated and edited by Dr. B. N. Basu, 1954)

93. The Visva Bharati Cheena Bhavan, Visva Bharati Annals, 1947

94. Indian Music; A Lecture delivered at the Peking University, 1948

95. Foundations of Indian Civilizations Parts I, 11 Bulletin of Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, vol. Ill, Sept. and Oct., 1952

96. Indian Sciences in the Far East The Indo-Asian Culture, vol. 11, No. 1., July, 1953

97. Sriniketan Past and Present Visva Bharati News, Silver Jubilee Number, 1957

98. Buniyu Nanjo (1849–1927) : Obituary Notices, The Indian Historical Quarterly, pp. 199–201.

99. Ptolemy, the Niddesa and Brihat Katha by Sylvain Levi, Sino-Indian Studies, vol. !I, Part 2

100. Upacharya's Address 1954, 1955 published in Visva Bharati News

Reviewed by P. C. Bagchi

101. Chandldasa-Les amours de Radha et de Krichna traduites du Bengali par Maha et Nogendra Nath Chandra Librarie Stock, Paris Reviewed by P. C. Bagchi ; The Calcutta Review, Dec. 1927, pp. 362–364

102. The History of North-Eastern India by R. G. Basak, Reviewed by p. C. Bagchi. Indian Culture, pp. 317–319, vol. I, No. 2

103. Some Aspects of Ancient Indian Culture by D. R. Bhandarkar, Reviewed by P. C. Bagchi, The Indian Historical Quarterly, vol. 17, No. 1, 1941 March

104. The Development of Hindu Iconography by J. N. Banerjee Reviewed by P. C. Bagchi, Indian Historical Quarterly, June, 1942 pp. 181–183

105. India and the Pacific World by Kalidas Nag. Reviewed by P. C. Bagchi, Indian Historical Quarterly, June, 1942, pp. 183–184

Some Books and Articles on P. C. Bagchi

1. Kalyan Kumar Sarkar. A Monograph 'P. C. Bagchi', Visva Bharati Alumni Association,Dec., 1956 In Memoriam Visva Bharati Annals, 1957

2. Suniti Kumar Chattopadhyaya (Editor) : A Centenary Tribute P. C. Bagchi Centenary Committee, Nov.,1997

3. Shyamalkanti Chakravarti. A Student's Birth Centenary Tribute P. C. Bagchi as an Indologist

4. Dilip Kumar Biswas. P. C. Bagchi- The Sino-Indologist. P. C. Bagchi and Central Asian Studies

5. Amitabha Bhattacharyya. P. C. Bagchi's Contributions to Tibetan Studies

6. Haraprasad Ray. A Life Sketch

7. B. N. Mukherjee. Editor: Birth Centenary Souvenir 1997-98, Visva Bharati

8. Alaka Chattopadhyay. The Profile of an Orientalist A Tribute

9. Ratna Sinha. Reminiscences

10. Dilip Kumar Ganguly. A Respectful Rernernbrance A Centenary Tribute

11. Dilip Kumar Ganguly The Observations of Prof. Bagchi on Asvaqhosa's Rashtrapal Natakam Dr. Prabodh Ch. Bagchi Carita Nudhyanam Tesu Sraddha Nivedananca

12. Kalyan Kumar Sarkar Bagchi-Levi in Nepal : The Calcutta Review, July, 1972

13. Ratna Sinha(Editor) : Contribution of P. C. Bagchi on Sino-Indo Tibetology Seminar and Public Lecture Series, The Asiatic Society, March, 2002

14. Biswanath Banerjee. A Centenary Tribute

15. Pranabananda Jash. Prabodh Chandra Bagchi : In Memoriam

16. Kalpika Mukherjee. Prabodh Chandra Bagchi : A True Indologist

17. Alakananda Banerjee. A Monograph 'P. C. Bagchi', Visva Bharati Alumni Association,Dec., 1956 In Memoriam Visva Bharati Annals, 1957

18. Manindra Bhusan Bhaduri. Editor : A Centenary Tribute P. C. Bagchi Centenary Committee, Nov.,1997

19. Haraprasad Ray A Student's Birth Centenary Tribute P. C. Bagchi as an Indologist

20. Haraprasad Ray (Editor). Contribution of P.C. Bagchi on Sino-Indo Tibetology. Kolkata: Asiatic Society, 2002.

21. Dilip Kumar Ganguly (Editor). PC Bagchi: Birth Centenary Souvenir Visva Bharati, 1997–98

22. Shyamalkanti Chakravarti (Editor. Prabodhchandradaya; a Centenary Tribute PC Bagchi Centenary Committee, November 1997


  1. ^ India and Asia: PC Bagchi Centenary Volume. Ed. BN Mukherjee. Progressive Publishers. ISBN 81-8064-116-3